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One Fold Publishing

The Covering Removed

The Covering Removed

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The conflict is now on. The great forces of right and wrong are in lively combat. We know which side will win, but the wrong claims every inch of the ground, and the only way what is right can prevail is by a lively and continuous struggle. Not only shall the right be on the defensive, but she shall wage mighty offensive warfare. There is little said or written about the Lord's Church these days except by a few humble followers of the lowly Nazarene. But these few can be numbered by the thousands when they are all placed together.

It amazes many to hear both men and women speaking in honor of this great institution. In our meetings, listening to the people praise God for the great Church of God, the same as for salvation, is prevalent. Of course, those who object to this do not know what the Church is. If they knew it as it is, they would love it as we do. The Church of God is Christ's building. It is wrong to suppose some man is its founder. Jesus told the disciples that He would build His Church, and I believe what the disciples said about it. And nobody has any right to dispute their word. I fully believe that  Christ did just what He said He would do.

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